
Monday, March 10, 2014

Lessons from the Weekend

Hey Friends.  If you saw the news this weekend, you know that where I live in North Carolina got hit with a powerful ice storm.  It was bad with over 100,000 residents and businesses losing power.  We lost ours very early Friday morning but thankfully were back up by 8:00 last night.  There are many who still have not regained service but crews are hard at work and the weather is beautiful here so hopefully lots can be accomplished today.

It's always interesting how things turn out when there's an unexpected event in life.  Here's a few things I learned this weekend...

1.  Be prepared!  It's not just the Boy Scout's the truth.  We had firewood, candles, batteries, warm sleeping bags, food, etc.  I'll be heading out this week to restock my goods and coffee is at the top of the list.
2.  People really are nice, kind and helpful.  Seeing all of the posts on social media of people reaching out to help others was nothing short of amazing.
3.  I don't like Monopoly but LOVE the game of LIFE.  There are lots of private jokes the boys and I now share after our 3 hour long was awesome.
4.  These words are important...
Yes, I had a few frustrating moments.  I'm working on some "stuff" in life and thankfully, my friends and family are patient with me!
5.  I can't live without my friends and laughter.  We shared our homes, hot showers, food, drink, stories and crazy moments this weekend.  I made a couple of new friends and got to know some old ones better, for this I am truly thankful.
6.  I experienced yet again that my family is loving, funny, hard working, patient, trusting, smart and resourceful.
7.  Saying thank you and giving a word of encouragement may seem like little things, yet they are powerful and loving things to do each day.
So, there's my short list.  Thanks for putting up with me, friends...

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