
Monday, April 4, 2016

Sugar Balsamic Strawberries

Over the past week we were fortunate enough to spend a wonderful spring break at the coast. It was just the 4 of us and the time together was much needed. The weather was chilly but we didn't care, we still had a great time just hanging out together. We slept late, took walks on the beach, read, played cards and watched movies. At some point, we knew we had to come back home and that was ok because we just continued our break around here. Then the real truth set in…Monday was just a day away and it was time to get back to school and work. I just couldn't let our fun, happy week go by without celebrating somehow!
Sugar Balsamic Strawberries with cake and whipped cream
Well, you know me, I decided to celebrate with food. My decision was quite easy when I made a quick stop at the grocery and saw loads of beautiful strawberries. I hurried home, made an easy version of a white cake, sliced and flavored my strawberries and whipped up some cream. When it was time to enjoy the last moments of our spring break, I decided to go BIG and serve my cake whole with the sugar balsamic strawberries and whipped cream.  Now that was one delicious way to celebrate!
Sugar Balsamic Strawberries with cake and whipped cream
Sugar Balsamic Strawberries

2 pints of strawberries, washed and hulled
1/4 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon water
  • Wash and hull strawberries. 
  • Cut each berry into quarters and place into a glass bowl.
  • Drizzle balsamic vinegar over fruit and sprinkle with sugar and water.
  • Stir gently.
  • Cover and leave on counter until ready to serve - up to 3 hours.
Sugar Balsamic Strawberries with cake and whipped cream

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