
Monday, January 7, 2013

White Chocolate Pretzels

Things are kicking in to high gear around here!  We had a wonderful Christmas, celebrated the New Year with good friends and enjoyed our time off.  Now, with all the decorations packed up and put away, it's time to get back to business.  We've got a full week of school and the calendar is full of projects, appointments and important dates.  So, to help make the mornings easier, I decided to make a few healthy snacks for lunches and afternoon breaks.  One of my favorite flavor combinations is salty & sweet so White Chocolate Pretzels was a perfect solution.  The boys love them, and this time I added a few craisins to add an extra sum'in, sum'in.
Welcome to Monday, y'all ~ have a great week!

White Chocolate Pretzels

12 oz. of white chocolate
1 16 oz. bag of pretzels
1 cup of craisins

  • Melt chocolate in a double boiler on stove top.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread pretzels out.
    • Tip - I put the parchment paper right on my kitchen counter and spread the pretzels out to make for easier clean-up.
  • Drizzle melted chocolate over pretzels using a large spoon.  
    • Tip - I put the chocolate in a zip lock bag and snip one of the corners so that the chocolate easily drizzles out.
  • Sprinkle craisins over the melted chocolate.
  • Let chocolate harden.
  • Store in a air tight container.  


  1. Oh yes! Even though my guys "kinda" rolled their eyes about the dried cranberries, after eating, they loved 'em.

  2. I find that to be the case, where people roll their eyes but end up loving the treats. Good stuff. Happy cooking and boogie boogie.


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