
Monday, December 12, 2011

Progressive Dinner with the Youth Group

We ended our weekend on a high note by having 15 people over for dinner!  Yes, I know...isn't that a little much?  Not really, especially when your guest are members of the church youth group.  There's nothing like a house full of high school teenagers - laughing, pickin' on each other and all talking at the same time.  So, here's what happened -

About 35 high school students from the Christ UMC Youth Group met for their annual Progressive Dinner. They started at the church and then headed over to a "host house" for appetizers.  Next, three families prepared the main meal - their choice of menu. The youth divided into groups and headed out....that's where we came in. 

Chopped Salad with dried cherries, almonds and crumbled bacon
Homemade Parmesan dressing
Grilled pork tenderloin
Roasted red potatoes with garlic butter
Yeast rolls

The group of kids along with 4 leaders descended on the house and the fun started.  Plates were  rattling, knives and forks scraping, along with lots of lively and interesting dinner conversation.  Then, in the blink of an eye, it was over.  They headed back to the church for dessert and games.  Wow, it sure got quiet, quickly.....
4 Silly Guys and 1 Responsible Girl
Those young men and women are wonderful and yep, I really do love them.  Rob and I had a great time and I think we might just have started a new Christmas tradition.  What a great at the Governors Mansion and then then, food with a house full of big kids.
This is one very happy and thankful Southern Soul.

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