
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Edible Haystacks and Happy Times

What a great weekend! Friday night football, The 5th Quarter for High School youth, and a Fall Retreat for Hunter.  The best part - a wonderful dinner with old friends.  The two families met when our sons were in the same kindergarten class.

Creed and Adam in Kindergarten....sniff, sniff.
Now, these boys are sophomores in High School!  What??  I am so thankful this friendship is still going strong.  We may have been separated for a while, but somethings are just meant to be.

Adam and Creed in High School....oh my!
Sweet Tracy made a wonderful Mexican meal and we finished up with an old standby...Haystacks!

Everything was gobbled up in short order, of course with 2 teenage boys in the house, and more memories were made.  We laughed, told stories, and loved on each other.  Thank you made our weekend really special.
Counting my blessings,

Butterscotch Haystacks
  • 1 package of butterscotch chips
  • 1 can of Chinese noodles
  • 1/2 can of peanuts
    • Melt the chips following directions on back of package.  I use the microwave and it makes things really easy.
    • Mix together in a large bowl. 
    • Spoon 1 teaspoon full of mixture on to wax paper lined baking sheet.
    • Place in fridge to set.
  • TRY REALLY HARD not to eat half the mixture while spooning out on to the baking sheet - I know what I'm talking about on this one...just saying!

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