
Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Happens When You Get Home

Boys building a moat.
Tide is going out so get ready
for some sand building.
My kitchen smells good! I'm making a big pot of "Mama Sauce" on this wet, cloudy, sometimes sunny day. Garlic, onions, fresh tomatoes and lots of herbs - it makes unpacking from vaycay a little easier.  We had an incredible week yet, when you get home there's the "thing"... laundry - you already know how I feel about that, restocking the fridge, catching up with neighbors who've been so helpful, lovin' on the dogs, and trying to get ready for another school year and life in general. 

 I am NOT complaining or begrudging any of these tasks....being away makes it all worthwhile, a little sweeter and I am thankful.  A Southern Soul has been out of touch, sorry friends.  What started out as a family joke about getting away turned into something GREAT!  Thanks for hanging in there with me 'cause there's lots of good stuff on the way......

Counting my blessings,

Fresh Shrimp from Normans at Indian Beach - we had a FEAST! 
Menu coming....

Afternoon in Beaufort. 
Dinner was awesome AND...
Chef actually wrote down his recipe of something we LOVED and sent it via our waiter!!  Of course, I was just a little bit happy.....humming, giggling and smiling all the way home.


  1. Welcome home, Donya Leigh! Hope your yard's not cooked.

    Margaret Alice

  2. I came home to a gajillion cherry tomatoes. Post a recipe so I can make good use of them! Donna B


I love getting and reading your comments, so keep them coming. Thanks so much for taking some time to share your've made my day!