
Friday, December 14, 2012

Party Planning and a little DIY!

Etched Wine Glasses
With party planning on my mind and my calendar, I had to get organized this week.  I had some DIY inspiration from a few blogging friends, Pinterest and of course, Martha Stewart so, I decided to get my act together with my bar ware.
First, I bought 12 wine glasses for $1.00 each at my local Dollar Store.  
Then I headed over to Michael's to pick up the Martha Stewart Craft tools for etching on glass.  I needed a set of adhesive stencils and the etching medium & brush. 
 After a little thinking and measuring, I came up with this plan.  I placed a piece of painters tape at the top of each glass then adhered the stencil underneath.  This gave me the same measurement on each glass and a straight line for the stencil.  Believe it or not, it only took me about an hour to do all 12 glasses.  This process was SO easy and the results...OUTSTANDING, right?  
Now, when folks come over, everyone can go to the bar, pick up a glass, fill it with their favorite beverage and just pick their own special number.   The key will be to remember that number....

Party Ready Cutlery & Napkins
When you serve a crowd, it's often a pain to organize the forks, spoons, knives and napkins for everyone.  Most of the time, someone is missing something they need or the hostess miscounts and never has enough of everything.  Well, my remedy for that is to make a "place setting roll" for each guest. 
Here's how...  

Have a large stack of napkins that you want to use for your event.  Money saving tip - at the end of each holiday or season of the year, I buy what's on sale at Target, Party City, etc and save them for the next year.  So, start with your napkin...
Place the napkin face down and make about a 1 1/2 inch fold at the bottom.  Stack your cutlery (I got this plastic ware that looks like stainless from Costco - awesome stuff) on top of each other.  Place about 1/4 of the way in on the right side of the napkin.  Fold the short side over and continue to roll until you have this...
Ta Da! A "place setting roll" that each guest can pick up, handle easily and carry with their plate and glass.  Now, everyone can enjoy the party!

Well, there you go, a couple of party tips from A Southern Soul.  I hope they'll make things a little bit easier for you and will inspire you to open up your home & invite people in.  Sharing your home with others is a true act of friendship.  Hospitality is a gift, and one that is cherished by those who receive it.

Have a wonderful weekend y'all!


  1. I love the etched wine glass idea - those glasses look great for $1 too!!

    1. Thanks! It's so easy to do and over all, I spent about $20.00, and I have lots of etching medium and all of the stencils left over.

  2. I like that the forks look like they are tucked into holiday sleeping bags.

    1. Love it! They do kinda look like that don't they! I came up with this when the boys were young and then tried it out when we had an adult party and everyone THANKED ME for making things so easy. Sometimes I pull out the "the big guns" with cloth napkins, stainless & silver but with a crowd, this is the way to GO!

  3. Your wine glasses look great! What an inspired party idea. Wonder if there's time to do it before New Years ;)

    1. Nealey, you have plenty of time! For all 12 glasses, it took about an hour. Buy the glasses, put them through the dishwasher. Put the tape on and start etching. It's ready to wash off in 10 minutes. Just make sure to "glob" it on real good - a "professional" term. My are ready and waiting for the next party. Merry Christmas friend!

  4. I just wanted to let you know that I chose your glasses as a host favorite at the In and Out of the Kitchen link party! They will be featured at this weeks party!

    I can't wait to see what you bring to the party and also I am excited you will be co-hosting!

    See you there! Cynthia at

    1. Thanks Cynthia! Making those glasses was fun and have been a huge success. They've also really cut down on "wine confusion" at my parties. Thanks for having me for the link party. It's gonna be a great week.

  5. I just want to know this is adult party plan. How much cost for adult party

  6. Hey Stella. This party was during the holidays so I don't really remember what I served. I did make 12 glasses and I try to keep the food, wine/drinks and decorations for 6 couples at around $75.00 - $80.00. I have great friends and most guests are more than happy to bring a little something to add to the party! Let me know if this helps.


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