
Friday, August 3, 2012

Rosemary and The Bride ~ A Wedding with Great Friends and a Little Pig!

“There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember; and there is pansies, that's for thoughts.”

William Shakesphere, Hamlet, Act 4~Scene 5

April was a very special month for me.  I was asked by one of my dearest friends, Barbie, to help her with her a party... a Bridesmaids party for her stepdaughter, Kori.  Oh my gosh, the tears started then!  I've known Kori for over 15 years and loved her from the minute I met her.  Years ago, we were side by side neighbors - me, Sweetie, Dan and Barbie along with our babies, Creed and Danielle.  Kori would spend lots of time at her dad's and Lordie, did we have fun!  We spent holidays together...some of which were made up -  "Horse Race Saturdays," went camping together and met each others big families.  I got to know that sweet girl and lots of her friends.  So, when Barb asked me to help with the Bridesmaids shower, I jumped in with both high heels.  One of the things she wanted help with was a gift that each of the party girls could take home...something that reminded them of that day.
After thinking and "marinating" on what would be special for Kori, I decided on Rosemary Salt in personalized tins.  I also offered to roast several tenderloins with the "special salt" that could be served at the party.  Barb and Kori loved the idea so, I went to work.
Thank goodness I had a big, beautiful rosemary bush that I'd brought inside for the winter and it was loaded with herbal goodness.  This was a great, easy gift to make yet packed with flavor.  On party week, I made the salt, Barbie, a professional photographer/graphic artist, made the tags and recipe cards and on Friday night before the party, we had an assembly line going fueled by vino and snacks.  Of course, like great friends do, we started sharing, telling stories and then came the laughter....big laughter with tears, hands waving and shouts of "stop it!"
Party day arrived so it was time to get my act together.  Barbie and Danielle were staying with us but got up early and headed out to meet Kori for a trial run of pictures, hair and wardrobe.  I got my grill going and  the gave the special gifts one last glance.
With my hair fluffed, (which you know is very important to me) the boys helped load the car and I was off.  We had the BEST TIME!  When girls get together to celebrate one of their own...the stories flow, and by the way, how many cute, smart, witty girls can be in one place all at a time?.  There was laughter, tears, encouragement, and sometimes a little shock! sweet Kori and Barbie pulled out the "big guns" and ask, "hey D, do you think you could help out a little with the pictures during the wedding?"  Well, let me just say that those 2 girls are professionals when it comes to getting someone to do something unexpected because the "official picture helper" turned into "The Wedding Boss"...what the what!  Strangely, I'd done this before, having come from years in apparel/textiles and working for a beautiful clothing retailer that had a bridal salon.
Again, I said yes, but had to get my game on - "I have a BRIDE" and her day must be special - yes, I'm crazy like that!  My all grown up girl, Kori, and I talked and planned about the rehearsal and how she wanted the wedding day to go.  I'd met the groom when he was "just a friend" and Cory weighed in with his wishes.  We had a plan...the bride and groom were ready, family and friends were arriving, tick, tock...
The wedding party was nervous and giggly, the girls stunning in purple were lined up and the boys, well, those boys...handsome!  The music starts and I send them down the walkway. Perfect.  I was in control and just fine until...I saw them...beautiful Kori and her dad, my awesome friend Dan.  It was then I knew I was sharing a very, very special moment... a dad and his girl.  So, with tears running down my cheeks and a big smile, I said..."it's time....this is your day!"  Well, "my bride" is now a Mrs. and she and her Mr. are great.  I had such a wonderful time with K and C, their friends and families and yes, they are Kori and Cory, awesome.
New beginnings were confirmed that day and old friendships renewed.  When the 4 of us met as neighbors  several years ago, it was clear we'd be friends with a special bond - ice storm, 2 newborn babies and no power, so we rallied and moved forward.  We've shared several bumps in life yet more good times than bad and each time making memories.  I am so thankful for our friendship and K & C, thank you for sharing your special day with me.
Counting my blessing for that incredible day.  With much love for a long and
happy marriage.

Roast Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary Salt


1-2 lb tenderloin (they come 2 in a package)
½ cup soy sauce
¼ cup Balsamic vinegar
4 cloves garlic
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 rosemary stem or 1 tablespoon chopped rosemary
Rosemary salt

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.  Put tenderloins in a ziplock bag and pour in marinade.  Close, making sure to press out all air from bag.  Place in fridge for 24 hours.
Take out of fridge 30 minutes prior to grilling allowing to come to room temperature.  
Remove tenderloin from bag and pat dry.  Rub with 2 teaspoons of rosemary salt and fresh cracked pepper.
Grill on medium heat turning every 8 to 10 minutes.  When internal temperature reaches approximately 170 degrees, remove from heat. Cover with tin foil and let rest for 15 minutes.  Serve with stone ground grits, balsamic  reduction and fresh salad.

Rosemary Salt
1 box of Kosher salt - about 8 cups
Several sprigs of fresh rosemary
Heat oven to 250 degrees
Pour salt onto sheet pan.
Gently place sprigs of rosemary into salt.
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes.
Let cool and store in airtight containers.
Can be used on pork, fish, chicken and is really good in pasta!


  1. Thank you SO much for everything Donya! You always have, and continue to be, one of the dearest friends! It was so wonderful to have you play such an important, and helpful, role in our big day (and the fun leading up to it!). Love you so much and LOVED the Rosemary Salt rub! You rock! <3 Kori and Corey

  2. You are so welcome sweetie! It was a great day - beautiful bride, handsome groom and Angels Cottage was stunning. It was an honor to be a part of your special day....

  3. How precious and yummy! Rosemary salt…oh yeah…that groovy little idea will be copied by many a friend/family member/party-giver-neighbor of the couple. And best wishes to the couple..Cory and Kori! PRB

  4. K and C were married at Angels Cottage on the Lake. They also had their reception there. It is a beautiful location and the people are so great to work with.
    Here's a link to their site -


I love getting and reading your comments, so keep them coming. Thanks so much for taking some time to share your've made my day!