
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Road Trip!

The past 24 hours have been fun, crazy, a tad bit tiring and totally unexpected!  Creed and I took off yesterday for a road trip to Charlotte.  With Hunter at camp (yes, again!), our sweet girls getting a "day of beauty" we headed out.  We did some shopping for the school year - which seems to be stalking us - got some goodies for the new "Cooking With A Southern Soul" classes coming out in the fall and as an added bonus, Mr. A Southern Soul was traveling so we all met up in the Queen City and had some fun.  We slept in a little this morning then hit the coffee shop and made our plan.  Thank goodness for great technology and a good sense of direction....Creed and I navigated like pros!
Beautiful Carolina Blue sky, but wait....once you go in there, you might not be able to find your way out!
Started shopping, life is good and then...teenage boy says, "I'm hungry"...well, there's a shocker!  We refuel with food & caffeine and head out again.  STOP IT- what in the world is going on with those CRAZY carts.  If you've been to IKEA, you know what I mean!
Last stop, Trader Joe's, for a few things for the weekend party.  
It was a great 24 hours and just a little was lots of fun watching my boy try on clothes, fuss over what looked right/what didn't and laugh over lots of strange things we saw.  Whew!  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I have never been it IKEA and had to cancel a planned trip to there yesterday. I'm still a relative newbie to TJ's but since one opened a mile away from my house it's only a matter of days before the staff there starts greeting me by my name!


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